The structure of the Scientific Library (5 departments)
Department of acquisition and scientific processing of literature, cataloging and storage of literature:
- carries out the reception, accounting and registration of the received literature;
- keeps a summary and inventory record of the received literature;
- maintains a file of educational literature;
- carries out the current acquisition of the Library fund;
- together with the department of the University responsible for educational and methodological work, draws up a consolidated application for the purchase of literature;
- subscribes to periodicals.
- carries out centralized cataloging of newly received publications and unpublished materials;
- compiles a bibliographic description in accordance with GOST;
- carries out technical processing of the received literature;
- distributes new literature receipts to the relevant departments of the Library;
- systematizes new arrivals according to Library tables of library and bibliographic classifications (BBK, UDC).
Reference and Bibliographic Department:
- performs queries on bibliographic search, thematic selection of literature, clarifies various information about books and periodicals;
- compiles and maintains card files: the works of the staff and the history of the University, on the topics of research, educational and educational activities of the University, significant dates;
- compiles bio-bibliographic indexes of the anniversaries of the Faculty of the University;
- performs written thematic references on Russian literature;
- compiles bibliographic indexes and lists for publication.
Service Department:
- organizes services for readers of all categories using auxiliary funds of subscriptions, reading rooms and the main book depository;
- development and presentation of proposals and recommendations to the Library management on the formation of the educational fund.
The Department of Automation and Electronic Resources:
- introduces new management methods and forms of organization of medical libraries used in library automation practice;
- conclusion of contracts with companies providing remote electronic resources;
- serves readers of all categories with electronic literature, provides access to the Internet, an electronic catalog.
Scientific and Methodological Department:
- oversees and organizes visits to medical libraries of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide them with advisory assistance;
- holds meetings, conferences, courses, consultations, seminars and other events for professional development and exchange of experience among libraries in the industry;
- organizes, together with branch libraries and information authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a single territorial branch reference and information fund;
- conducts certification of library workers in the industry.