S.J. KSU named after Asfendiyarov KEJSC
Scientific library directory
Administration of the scientific library
Position | Name | Case and office number | Service phone | Mobility
phone |
Email address |
Head of the scientific library | Modovov Nurbol Alimbayuly | 420 rooms
2 educational buildings |
IP 72-86 |
87473133301 | modovov.n@kaznmu.kz |
Deputy head of the scientific library | Zhambulatova
Gulnar Abzhanovna |
320 offices
2 educational buildings |
IP 70-62 |
87772968278 | zhambulatova.g@kaznmu.kz |
Department of collection and scientific processing, cataloging | |||||
Head of the department | Tasbolatova Zhanar Mengalivna | 324 cabinets
2 educational buildings |
IP 70-63 |
87014322748 | tasbolatova.zh@kaznmu.kz |
Library Department
Zhazilbekova Gulmira Nurakhmetovna | 2 educational buildings | 338-70-90
IP 71-38 |
zhazylbekova@kaznmu.kz | |
Department of Automation and Electronic Resources | |||||
Head of the department | Sabenova
Larisa Tnyshgalivna |
419 cabinet
2 educational buildings |
IP 72-85 |
87079026201 | sabenova.l@kaznmu.kz |
Service department | |||||
Head of the department | Abylkasymova Akerke Kubashovna | 230 offices
2 educational buildings |
IP 73-51 |
87775470321 | abylkasymova.a@kaznmu.kz |
Librarian | Koshymova Nursulu Orazgalivna | Study subscription for II-III year students | 338-70-90
IP 73-51 |
87029675052 | koshymova.n@kaznmu.kz |
Librarian | Kydyralinova Ayazhan Nurtaikovna | 326 cabinets
2 educational buildings, Study subscription for IV-V year students |
IP 74-26
87024183304 | kydyralinova.a@kaznmu.kz |
Librarian | Salpykova Tolganay Augalivna | 2 educational buildings
Study subscription for first-year students |
IP 71-38
salpykova.t@kaznmu.kz |
Art and foreign literature subscription | |||||
Librarian | Gisanova Kamshat Abayovna | 423 cabinet
2 educational buildings |
IP 73-64 |
87026753288 | k.gisanova@kaznmu.kz |
Scientific literature subscription | |||||
Chief Librarian | Uzbekova Saule Samitdinovna | 318 cabinet
2 educational buildings |
IP 74-26 |
87076707064 | uzbekova.s@kaznmu.kz |
Reference-bibliography department | |||||
Head of the department | Eleukenova
Saltanat Ahmetdullovna |
323 cabinet
2 educational buildings |
IP 73-56 |
87089894490 | eleukenova.s@kaznmu.kz |
Scientific and methodological department | |||||
Head of the department | Utebaliyeva Aliya Khakimzhanovna | 420 rooms
2 educational building |
IP 74-59, 7430, 7319 | 87014902774 | a.utebalieva@kaznmu.kz |