
Sciencedirect is the largest electronic library of specialized literature. The scientific platform was founded in 1997 by the Elsevier company and is multidisciplinary. Publications on Sciencedirect are available in HTML or PDF format. The researcher can get acquainted with the full texts of all scientific articles located on the site. An important difference from other search engines (PubMed), where most sources of information are in the form of abstracts or abstracts. Reader (teacher, student) must register from any computer connected to the University Server for access. After registration, the reader can use this resource from anywhere using his login and password. Using this username and password, you can log in to Scopus. Re-authorization is not required. Sciencedirect is a resource with a beautiful design and an intuitive interface. You can set individual reminders for a specific request, it is convenient to save articles and share them with colleagues.

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